9a27dcb523 I have a rossi 92 src 357, . Any info on when my Rossi 92, model 65, was made? M035XXX - Answered by a verified Firearms Expert. . I tried Rossi's serial number look up website but got no hits . Rossi just sent me this 16 barreled, 8-shot Model 92 in one of my favorite calibers, . Just Arrived From My FFL: 16 Rossi Model 92 .45 Colt. Winchester 94 rail mount, lever action rifles, cowboy rifles, tactical cowboy rifles, Winchester 94, .. I recently picked up a Rossi .44 Magnum lever action . appears to confirm older model 92 did not have . recently bought a new puma rossi 92 in .44magnum . The Winchester Model 1892 was a lever-action repeating rifle designed by John Browning as . Model 92 manufacture was resumed in the 1970s by Amadeo Rossi in Brazil; . Model 96 Series; Model 92 Series; . Interarms Rossi .45 Colt 92 SRC Lever Action 1980s 1/2 Octagonal Exc. . Serial number is AM0522xx, .. Find Awesome Results For 92 Rossi !
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